

The Sacrament of Penance is also known as the ‘Sacrament of Reconciliation’ or traditionally called ‘Confession’. It is the rite by which sins are confessed and forgiven. Sin is failure to recognise and love God in the way we think or act. Sin is also not just a failure to love God directly but also a failure to love one another. This is referred to as “the community sense of sin”.


Absolution is the formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment. In this sacrament people are forgiven their sins by the words and actions of the priest. We call this ‘Absolution’.

The priest represents God and the community who is affected by sin and the priest ministers forgiveness on behalf of God and the community.


The sacrament can be celebrated in a one-to-one encounter with a priest:

This is known as ‘individual confession’.

In this form of celebration, which is communal, people prepare as a community and many priests hear the confessions individually and people receive absolution individually.


Penance is a sign of sorrow and a commitment to try to make amends. It is also a sign of our sincerity to change our lives. When the Sacrament is a communal celebration, the penance is said as a community, once all have had the opportunity to confess. When celebrated in the traditional one-to-one form, a penance is given and the person takes on that penance privately.

Phone Lines

Parish Priest : +260 96 055 4410
Parish House : +260 97 741 1673
Chairperson +260 97 7411673
Pastoral Sister : +260 97 831 6375
Vice Chairman : +260 97 776 2464
Secretary : +260 977 766 298
Treasurer : +260 977 855 720
