
Confirmation celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit. In the Acts of the Apostles chapter 2, verses 1 to 13, we read of the Apostles receiving the Holy Spirit. They had been hiding after Jesus’ death, afraid and uncertain. The coming of the Holy Spirit with his gifts inspired them and enabled them to take the step of preaching the good news.
We are made members of God’s family at Baptism. At Confirmation, our Baptism is completed or “sealed” by the Holy Spirit and we are called to be Christian witnesses, just like the apostles.

The whole of our Christian living and the life of the Church, too, are sustained by the same Spirit.

Who can receive ? Any baptised Catholic wishing to advance on the path of developing their faith. For young people, this is usually part of the 5th/6th class primary school programme.
For adults who were not confirmed as children, it means taking part in the Rite of the Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.)

Phone Lines

Parish Priest : +260 96 055 4410
Parish House : +260 97 741 1673
Chairperson +260 97 7411673
Pastoral Sister : +260 97 831 6375
Vice Chairman : +260 97 776 2464
Secretary : +260 977 766 298
Treasurer : +260 977 855 720
